This website contains legal information and is not legal advice.
What you read on this website and in our social media is legal information not legal advice. The facts and circumstances of every case are unique and nothing that you read on this website or anywhere else on the web is a substitute for speaking with an experienced attorney about the specific facts and circumstances of your legal matter.
The materials provided on this website and in the Law Firm’s social media content, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+, are for informational purposes only, and are not guaranteed to be correct, complete or current.
Case results and testimonials
This website may contain case results and/or testimonials. Prior case results do not guarantee a similar outcome and testimonials or endorsements do not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of your legal matter.
No attorney-client relationship is formed until we formally represent you
No attorney-client relationship is formed with Philip Levin & Associates (the “Law Firm”) until both the Law Firm and the client signs a completed legal services agreement. Do not send us any confidential information or documents through the Law Firm’s website until we formally represent with a signed retainer agreement.
Links and connections to other websites
In our social media and on this website, we sometimes link to content on other websites. The Law Firm is not responsible for the content of other websites to which we link and the content of those websites are not guaranteed to be correct, complete or current, and should not be relied on as legal advice.
Through the Law Firm’s social media platforms we connect with many other businesses, organizations, individuals and other entities through “Likes,” “Followers,” “Plus-ones” and the like. We are not responsible for the content, views or opinions of those to whom we are connected and the content of those websites and social media accounts are not guaranteed to be correct, complete or current, and should not be relied on as legal advice.
No referrals or recommendations
Our connections and/or links to other persons or entities through this website and our social media are in no way to be understood as referrals to or recommendations of those other persons or entities.
Questions about this disclaimer?
The best way to initiate contact with us with questions, comments, feedback or concerns, or to inquire about our legal services and what we can do for you, is to call the Law Firm at (800) 974-2691.