Usually, the 1-212 application is something that is filed at a lock box here in the United States. You will need to supply all of the forms, the filing fees, and the required documentation to show that you have reformed, are a person of moral character, and meet all of the other criteria previously mentioned.
Often, an I-212 application will be submitted in combination with an I-601 Waiver. The I-601 Waiver is normally considered an extreme hardship waiver application, and is used for someone who is applying to the United States and has been away; is coming back to the united states but has shown that their U.S. citizen parent, child, spouse, will suffer extreme hardship. If they needed to do it because they committed fraud or a crime, the waiver is needed. If they were deported or subject to the mandatory bar, they also have to submit the I-212 in conjunction with the I-601 on application.
How long does an I-212 application take?
From experience, successful I-212 cases are extremely labor intensive and to put a good case together, document your hardship takes a long time. They are either not the type of cases that are put together within two or three days or even two or three weeks because you have to get psychological reports and different documents. They typically take at least 4 to 6 weeks at a minimum.
Learn more about the immigration services provided by Philip Levin & Associates.